Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Singer / Songwriter Tony Valor talks Musical Genres, Dance, and Multi-Cultural Heritage in an Exclusive Interview w/ Mistah Wilson

"To make a viral impact on every nation in the world. Not only through music but through other potential ventures that the
future will bring." @Tony Valor 
Mistah Wilson: Yo, Tony Valor! Thanks for coming thru for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! How ya' been?
Tony Valor: What’s poppin?? Been good and working hard on future projects! Very proud to announce the new single that just came out D’Nah Nah ft. Artists from Romania and the Philippines! And there’s much more to come!!

Mistah Wilson: Awesome! For our audience reading this, could you give us a quick background on yourself?
Tony Valor: I Come from Chinese, Colombian, and Sicilian decent. I’ve been around music my entire life and knew that this is what I’ve always wanted to do since I was a little kid. Started taking my music serious at the age of 14. Played my first instrument at 11. Having family ties into the entertainment industry, I’ve been around studios since I was 3!

Mistah Wilson: You have quite a bit of work out right now. Tell us about how you got started making music?
Tony Valor: Got my first instrument when I was 11. It was a small nylon string acoustic guitar. From there on I explored many genres of rock and pop and evolved little by little as a musician. I was 14 when I decided I wanted to learn how to use a recording board and make music with production software. I started with Pro Tools when I got into the field of producing music. My choices of genres That I’ve produced over the years has changed drastically. For me music is music if it moves and grooves I’m making it. Don’t matter the genre. As Usher Raymond once said “evolve or evaporate”

Mistah Wilson: What inspires your creativity when writing new songs?
Tony Valor: Everything I do musically comes from what I’m feeling. Some times even when you hit a funk where you find it difficult to get inspired from the outside there's always the will power to find capability with solitude from the inside. There fore what I write comes from within.

Mistah Wilson: Your music videos display tons of energy! What styles of Dance do you like to incorporate in your songs?
Tony Valor: I love to go from a ‘daft punk’ style to the next style having a ‘trey songz’ vibe. For instance It can be a Hip-hop \ house genre such as one of my last singles ‘up & away’. Deep house is one of my favorite genres of dance music!

Mistah Wilson: What are some of your personal favorite songs that you would recommend to a first-time listener?
Tony Valor: There are a few personal favorites that hasn’t come out yet but they will soon! ‘Unexplainable’ which is a ballad/R&B track, and ‘Bad Influence’ which is a more Hip-hop/ rap and R&B elements as well just to name a couple. For what is currently out I would definitely recommend listening to my r&b tracks to so the listener such as ‘Up & Away Ft. Mariah Simmons (R&B)’ can appreciate the vocal approaches I took in those songs in particular. Before they hear the mainstream songs that people get over quickly before there ready to hear the “next big thing”.

Mistah Wilson: What do you plan to accomplish through your music?
Tony Valor: To make a viral impact on every nation in the world. Not only through music but through other potential ventures that the future will bring. This journey opens many doors and opportunities so who knows what else can be achieved? We'll definitely see.

Mistah Wilson: Who are or were some key influences that played a part in the artist you are today?
Tony Valor: Calvin Harris, Tchami, Oliver Heldens, Usher, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Marilyn Manson, Justin Timberlake, Frank Sinatra, Four Tops, Janis Joplin and I can continue for days. I have and
always had since I was a little boy a versatile taste in music. Always loved adapting to new styles!

Mistah Wilson: Where can people follow you online?
Tony Valor: Everywhere!! @tonyvalormusic

Mistah Wilson: Yo, Tony Valor, Thanks so much for coming through for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! It's been an honor! If you have any shout outs, let's hear em'...
Tony Valor: Big and special thanks to the teams and everyone else that has worked ambitiously and being inexhaustibly determined in this campaign to make this dream come to life! I couldn’t have done it without you guys!!

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