Saturday, March 30, 2019

Listen to "Hanstromentals: A Beat Tape" album by HanSolo on Bandcamp

This project is dedicated to my grandfather. Love and miss you daily!!! I would like to say thanks to my wife and daughters. You are My number one support system in life. Next I would like to say thx to my brothers in music Al Basics, RediBrown, Beatz For Food & Mista Crane!!! May our skills & knowledge, in life and music, increase with every track! Much love to my mom for always supporting my music, even in its 8-track days. Also a fat shout out to all my supporters, family, friends and haters for keeping me motivated to keep pushing! Hope you enjoy the sounds, if you're an emcee, I hope you do the beats justice and link me to the final product. Real support real all day! Peace & Stay Up!!!

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