Monday, May 22, 2017

Singer/Songwriter K-Syran talks Inspiration, Influence, and her Latest Single "Dizzy" (Interview)

Mistah Wilson: Hello, K-Syran! Honored to have you here with us for this exclusive interview with
ThaWilsonBlock Magazine. How ya' been?
K-Syran: Awesome! Never been so busy with single releases and new album coming out. Very exciting year!!!

Mistah Wilson: For our audience reading this, could you give us a quick background on yourself?
K-Syran: I'm an actress, I have my own play; Breaking The Silence that has been shown in London/NY/The Hague and Geneva, I'm also shooting a movie where I'm playing the lead, and I am a Singer songwriter. The last couple of years have been amazing with topping #38 Billboard Chart and playlisted both in the US and UK. So happy:)

Mistah Wilson: What led you to become a musician?
K-Syran: The move from London to Geneva. No West End and big movies in Switzerland so I got into the singing and songwriting. Music is big with amazing festivals, opera house and jazz festivals.
It has really brought me places I had never dreamt of!

Mistah Wilson: What are some of your current & upcoming Release of my US single Dizzy ! So excited about it!
K-Syran: Had amazing musicians like Garry Beers, INXS! And wonderful producer, Eric Alexandrakis.

Mistah Wilson: Who are some musicians who influenced the artist you are today?
K-Syran: Coldplay, Mick Jagger, Tracey Chapman, David Bowie, Prince, Calvin Harris, David Guetta, Billie Holiday wow there are so many who have influenced me.

Mistah Wilson: Where do you pull inspiration from when writing new songs?
K-Syran: Everything! What I see, feel, smell, experience, read, hear. Everyday I'm inspired by something, even if it's just one
phrase I will write something every day. Also suddenly a melody will pop into my head and I will record it on my phone. Love my iPhone!

Mistah Wilson: What do you plan on accomplishing thru your music?
K-Syran: Awareness.

Mistah Wilson: What part of your artistry would you say defines you the most?
K-Syran: Authenticity

Mistah Wilson: Where can people keep up with you online?

Mistah Wilson: K-Syran, it's been awesome having you here for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! If you wanna send some shout outs, let's hear it..
K-Syran: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'm possible. Thank you so much for interviewing & featuring me!

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